This is the main configuration file of the EvoStream Web Server (EWS). This file sets the locations of important web server files/folders such as the web root folder, server key & certificate, white list, black list, logs, etc. This is where other web server settings are defined, including HTTP port, group name aliasing, SSL mode, connection/memory limits, mime types, etc.


  • configuration – This is the entire structure for all configuration needed by the EWS Server.
configuration =
          -- content removed for clarity
      applications =
          -- content removed for clarity

webServer Configuration Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
loggers object yes Will hold a collection of log appenders. Each log message will be sent to each of the log appenders enumerated in this configuration section.
applications object yes Will hold a collection of loaded applications. Besides that, it will also hold some other values.

When the web server starts, the following sequence of operations is performed:

  • The loggers value is read. This is where all log appenders are configured and brought up to running state. Depending on the collection of your log appenders, you may (not) see further log messages.

  • The applications valueis taken into consideration. After this stage completes, all the applications are fully functional and the server is online and ready to do stuff.


the configuration for the web server logs and log files

			"colorize": true,
			"json": false,
			"level": "silly"
			"filename": "evo-webserver",
			"extension": "log",
			"dirname": "C:\\EvoStream_2.1\\logs",
			"json": false,
			"maxsize": 1048576,
			"level": "silly"

This section contains a list of log appenders. The entire collection of appenders listed in this section is loaded inside the logger at config-time.

Logging is divided into two, console and file.

Settings under console is the configuration for the logs in EMS console whereas under file is the settings for the log file saved.

webServer loggers Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
colorize boolean yes If true, will add color into logs. Color depends on what type the log is. Similar with coloredConsole in config.lua
json boolean yes If true, will show/write logs in json format
level string yes The log level used. The values are presented just below. Any message having a log level less or equal to this value will be logged. The rest are discarded. (Log levels: SILLY, DEBUG, VERBOSE, INFO, WARN, ERROR)
filename string yes The prefix of the file name (fileName.xxxx.timestamp.log)
extension string yes The extension of the log file (fileName.xxxx.timestamp.extension)
dirname string no The absolute path of the file where the logs is stored
maxsize number no The maximum size of the log file in kilobytes


This section is where all the applications inside the server are placed. It holds the attributes of each application that the server will use to launch them. Each application may have specific attributes that it requires to execute its own functionality.


the name of the web server application

"name": "webserver",

Type: String

Mandatory: Yes


the description of the web server application

"description": "Built-In Web Server",

Type: String

Mandatory: No


the port where the web server listens

"port": 8888,

Type: Number

Mandatory: Yes


the port where the web server communicates with the ems

"emsPort": 1113,

Note: should match config.lua’s inboundBinVariant acceptor

Type: Number

Mandatory: Yes


the port where the web service communicates with the ems

"webservicesPort": 4000,

Type: Number

Mandatory: Yes


the port where the webUI communicates with the ems

"webuiPort": 4100,

Type: Number

Mandatory: Yes


the specific IP to use when the host has multiple Ethernet cards

"bindToIP": "",

Type: String

Mandatory: No


the configuration of the ssl when using the web server

"sslMode": "disabled",

Type: String

Mandatory: No

Accepted values:

  • disabled - uses HTTP

  • enabled - forces use of HTTPS

  • automatic - checks for HTTP first, falls back to HTTPS otherwise


the path of the SSL key file

"sslKeyFile": "../config/server.key",

Type: String

Mandatory: No


the path of the SSL certificate file

"sslCertFile": "../config/server.cert",

Type: String

Mandatory: No


if true, will read the blacklist and whitelist files

"enableIPFilter": false,

Type: Boolean

Mandatory: No


the path of the whitelist file

"whitelistFile": "../config/whitelist.txt",

Type: String

Mandatory: No


the path of the blacklist file

"blacklistFile": "../config/blacklist.txt",

Type: String

Mandatory: No


enables or disables group name aliases. This protects HTTP streaming variants (HLS, HDS, MSS, DASH, media files) from direct access

"hasGroupNameAliases": false,

Type: Boolean

Mandatory: No


the location of the webroot folder

"webRootFolder": "..\\evo-webroot",

Note: take note of the ports being used when using other webroot

Type: String

Mandatory: Yes


a media file download session is ended when there is no subsequent request after X seconds

"mediaFileDownloadTimeout": 30,

Type: Number

Mandatory: Yes


this section is used to indicate file extension associations to mime types.

			"extensions": "mp4,mp4v,mpg4",
			"mimeType": "video/mp4",
			"extensions": "flv",
			"mimeType": "video/x-flv",
			"isManifest": false
			"extensions": "m3u,m3u8",
			"mimeType": "audio/x-mpegurl",
			"streamType": "hls",
			"isManifest": true
			"extensions": "ts",
			"mimeType": "video/mp2t",
			"streamType": "hls",
			"isManifest": false
			"extensions": "aac",
			"mimeType": "audio/aac",
			"streamType": "hls",
			"isManifest": false
			"extensions": "f4m",
			"mimeType": "application/f4m+xml",
			"streamType": "hds",
			"isManifest": true
			"extensions": "ismc,isma,ismv",
			"mimeType": "application/octet-stream",
			"streamType": "mss",
			"isManifest": true
			"extensions": "fmp4",
			"mimeType": "video/mp4",
			"streamType": "mss",
			"isManifest": false
			"extensions": "mpd",
			"mimeType": "application/dash+xml",
			"streamType": "dash",
			"isManifest": true
			"extensions": "m4s",
			"mimeType": "video/mp4",
			"streamType": "dash",
			"isManifest": false
			"//": "needed for supporting adobe player's crossdomain.xml",
			"extensions": "xml",
			"mimeType": "application/xml",
			"streamType": "",
			"isManifest": false

webServer supportedMime Types Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
extensions string yes File extensions to be associated
mimeType string yes The mime type associated with the specified file extensions
streamType string no The type of HTTP stream
isManifest boolean no Indicates if a file is a manifest used with the HTTP streaming variant


this section indicates additional headers to be included in the response

			"header": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
			"content": "*",
			"override": true
			"header": "User-Agent",
			"content": "Evostream",
			"override": false

webServer includeResponseHeaders Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
header string yes The response header
content string yes The value particular to the response header
override boolean No Indicates if the header should be overridden if the existing header has this already included


Proxy authentication provides a way to secure the HTTP based EMS API. All API commands will first pass through the EWS, which will validate the provided username and password, and then pass the commands to the EMS for processing. API command return values will be routed back to the caller appropriately.

To enable Proxy Authentication you will open the webconfig.lua config file and uncomment the “apiProxy” section near the bottom of the file.

		"enable" : true,
		"authentication": "basic", 			
		"pseudoDomain": "apiproxy",
		"address": "",
		"port": 7777,
		"userName": "username",
		"password": "password"

apiProxy Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
enable boolean yes If true, will read the configuration of apiProxy
authentication object yes The type of authentication. Currently, there are only 2 available values: “basic” which is basic HTTP authentication that uses a username and password; and “none” which disables authentication.
pseudoDomain object yes The domain name or folder
address number yes The address using the inboundHTTPJsonCLI
port number yes Port, referring to the config.lua’s acceptors for inboundHttpJsonCli
userName string No Basic authentication username
password string No Password for the userName

See Using API Proxy Authentication.