Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptops, data center VMs, or the cloud. - Docker website

This is a simplified document on how to build and run Docker images for EMS 2.0.0 on Ubuntu 16.04. This document does not attempt to explain the concepts behind Docker. For a detailed explanation on Docker, please refer to the official Docker documentation.

Running EMS on Docker


  • Installed Docker


  1. Pull the EMS docker image:

    sudo docker pull evostream/<EMS version>-<OS>:<build number>
    sudo docker pull evostream/ems201-ubuntu1604:5649

    Available images:

    • evostream/ems200-ubuntu1604:5550

    • evostream/ems201-ubuntu1604:5649

    Note: You can check the available images in the Docker store

  2. Run Docker from the console in privileged mode.

    $ sudo su
    # dockerd &
    # exit


    • The Docker is run as daemon
    • The # prompt is shown while in privileged (or root) mode. The $ prompt is shown while in non-privileged (or user) mode. In the commands below, sudo may be omitted if in privileged mode
    • Check docker if running by sending ps -e|grep docker

  3. Test Docker

    Run the “hello world” demo to test your Docker installation. You may remove the “hello world” image afterwards.

    $ sudo docker run --name hello hello-world
    $ sudo docker ps -a
    $ sudo docker images
    $ sudo docker rmi hello-world
  4. Run the EMS Docker Image

    Run the script below to use the pre-built Docker image for EMS on the EvoStream public repository on Docker Hub.

    sudo docker run --name <container_name> -i -t -p \
      -p 1112:1112/tcp \
      -p 1222:1222/tcp \
      -p 1935:1935/tcp \
      -p 4000:4000/tcp \
      -p 4100:4100/tcp \
      -p 5544:5544/tcp \
      -p 6666:6666/tcp \
      -p 7777:7777/tcp \
      -p 8080:8080/tcp \
      -p 8100:8100/tcp \
      -p 8210:8210/tcp \
      -p 8410:8410/tcp \
      -p 8433:8433/tcp \
      -p 8888:8888/tcp \
      -p 9898:9898/UDP \
      -p 9998:9998/tcp \
      -p 9999:9999/tcp \
      <image_name> bash
  5. Login to container

    If you are not automatically logged in to the container, send the command below:

    sudo docker exec -i -t <container_id> /bin/bash
    sudo docker exec -i -t 3cb068bca5b6 /bin/bash

    Note: The prompt changes to root@<instance_id> successful login.

  6. Start EMS

    The Docker image doesn’t include an EMS license. You may obtain a trial license from the EvoStream website. From your host machine, copy the license file License.lic to /etc/evostreamms or /config folder in the container.

    $ sudo docker cp /path/to/License.lic <container_name>:/etc/evostreamms
    $ sudo docker cp /path/to/License.lic evostream/ems201-ubuntu1604:5649:/etc/evostreamms

    Use the sudo docker ps -a command to check the container names of running instances.

    Inside the Docker container, start the EMS (in privileged mode):

    # service evostreamms start