To be able to receive player events, call the registerEventListener method of the EvoWSPlayer or EvoWrtcPlayer and pass on to it a handler that accepts two parameters. The first parameter will be the eventName, and the second parameter, the eventData. Please note that not all events will include an eventData.


var player = new EvoWsPlayer ( options ) ;
player.registerEventListener ( function (event,description){
                    if ( event == 'transportclosed' ) {
                        // do something...etc.

List of Events

Player Events

Event Name Description
playerStarted Emitted when the player actually starts playback of the stream
playerStopped Emitted when the player is purposefully stopped (ex the stop button is pressed or the connection is lost)
playerFroze Emitted when the player is detected to fail playback, possibly due to bad data, lost packets, etc. There is likely a needed time threshold for a hlated event to cross before this will be emitted
playerNoData There is no data on the streaming channel
playerResume Emitted when the play resumes from a pause or halt event
playerPause Emitted with the player is purposely put into a pause state (we currently dont have this state, but will need to at some point)

Connection Messages (WebSockets)

Event Name Description
transportEstablished The connection to the EMS/server has been made
transportError Emitted when a connection error to the EMS occurs
transportClosed Emitted when the connection to the EMS is closed, either purposefully or from error

WebRTC States

Event Name Description
joinedRoom Player has connected with ERS
createdPeer Local peering candidates have been created
checkingPeer Remote peering candidates have been received and connection attempts are starting
chosenCandType The type of candidate used for peering: host, reflex, or relay
connectedPeer Route to peer has been established, streaming stack will now be setup
disconnectedPeer Disconnected from a connected peer
connectFailedPeer Could not connect to the peer
closePeer Peering stack destructed

Platform/Player Errors

Event Name Description
playeralert Errors that are generated by the logic surrounding the player itself. For example: “Video element [element name] not found”, “MediaSource API is not enabled or supported”
playererror Errors coming from the player itself. These will be specific for each platform. For example: AppendBuffer issue: [error from player], Media decode error.

QOS Reports

Event Name Value Description
rep-frameloss frame loss count Emitted once per second, with the numbers of frames dropped/lost during that last second
rep-estthroughput estimated throughput in kbps Emitted once per second, a running calculation of the amount of data we are ingesting

QOS Accessor Functions

Event Name Description
getAggFrameLoss Get function for obtaining total frame loss
getAggPacketLoss Get function for obtaining total packet loss