Below is the sample code (EMS JS libraries) that can be used for browsers, iOS and Android Players:

  <script src="./js/evohtml5player-latest.bundle.js"></script>     <--(1) Import the EvoStream JSPlayer Bundle
	<video id="myVideo"></video>     <--(2) Declare a video tag, and make sure to assign an element ID
	 function playViaWebSocket() {     <--(3) Call this if you want to play a stream via WebSockets
	 var options = {
		emsIp: "", // set this to the IP address of your EMS instance
		streamName: "myStream", // set this to the stream that you wish to play
		videoTagId: "myVideo"   // set this to the element ID of your video tag.
		var emsPlayer = new EvoWsPlayer ( options );;
	 function playViaWebRtc() {     <-- (4) Call this is you want to play a stream using WebRTC
	 var options = {
		emsIp: "",     // set this to the IP address of your ERS
		port:  4545,			// set this to the PORT that your ERS is configured to
		streamName: "myStream",	  // set this to the stream that you wish to play
		videoTagId: "myVideo"     // set this to the element ID of your video tag.
		roomName: "myRoom",	      // set this to that room that EMS is configured to
		var emsPlayer = new EvoWrtcPlayer ( options );;