Records any inbound stream. The record command allows users to record a stream that may not yet exist. When a new stream is brought into the server, it is checked against a list of streams to be recorded.

API Parameter Table

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
localStreamName string true null The name of the stream to be used as input for recording
pathToFile string true null Specify path and file name to write to
type string false mp4 TS or MP4 or FLV
overwrite boolean false 0 false If false, when a file already exists for the stream name, a new file will be created with the next appropriate number appended. If true, files with the same name will be overwritten
keepAlive boolean false 1 true If true, the server will restart recording every time the stream becomes available again
chunkLength integer false 0 disabled If non-zero the record command will start a new recording file after chunkLength seconds have elapsed
waitForIDR boolean false 1 true This is used if the recording is being chunked. When true, new files will only be created on IDR boundaries
winQtCompat boolean false 0 false Mandates 32bit header fields to ensure compatibility with Windows QuickTime
dateFolderStructure boolean false 0 false If true, folders will be created with names in YYYYMMDD format. Recorded files will be placed inside these folders based on the date they were created

API Call Template

record localStreamName=<localStreamName> pathtofile=</recording/path/fileName> type=<ts/MP4/FLV>

Sample API Call

record localStreamName=testpullStream pathtofile=../media/testRecord type=mp4

Success Response in JSON

    "pathToFile":"..\/media\/testRecord ",
"description":"Recording Stream",

JSON Response

The JSON response contains the following details:

  • data – The data to parse
    • chunkLength - The length (in seconds) of each playlist element
    • computedPathToFile – The path and file name of the recorded stream
    • configID – The configuration ID for this command
    • dateFolderStructure – If true, will organize record chunks by date
    • hasAudio – Indicates if the recorded stream has audio, false if none
    • keepAlive – If true, the stream will attempt to reconnect if the connection is severed
    • localStreamName – The local name for the stream
    • mp4BinPath - The path of the mp4 writer
    • operationType – The type of operation, for internal use only
    • overwrite – If true, files with the same name will be overwritten
    • pathToFile – Path to the folder where recorded files will be written
    • type – Type of file for recording. Either `flv`,`ts`, or ‘mp4’
    • waitForIDR – If true, new files will only be created on IDR boundaries
    • winQtCompat – If true, andates 32bit header fields to ensure compatibility with Windows QuickTime
  • description – Describes the result of parsing/executing the command
  • status – SUCCESS if the command was parsed and executed successfully, FAIL if not.


  • If you wan’t your recorded file to start at the very beginning of the stream, issue the record first before pullStream command