Stream Events

Event Description
inStreamCreated A new inbound stream has been created
outStreamCreated A new outbound stream has been created
streamCreated A new neutral (neither in nor out) stream has been created
inStreamClosed An inbound stream has been closed
outStreamClosed An outbound stream has been closed
streamClosed A neutral stream has been closed
inStreamCodecsUpdated The audio and/or video codecs for this inbound stream have been identified or changed
outStreamCodecsUpdated The audio and/or video codecs for this outbound stream have been identified or changed
streamCodecsUpdated The audio and/or video codecs for this neutral stream have been identified or changed
audioFeedStopped The audio feed has stopped for an extended period
videoFeedStopped The video feed has stopped for an extended period

Adaptive Streaming/File-based Streaming Events

Event Description
hlsChildPlaylistUpdated Stream specific HLS playlist has been modified
hlsMasterPlaylistUpdated HLS group playlist has been modified
hlsChunkCreated A new HLS segment was opened on disk
hlsChunkClosed A new HLS segment has been completed and is ready on disk
hlsChunkError A failure occurred when writing to an HLS segment file
hlsChunkDeleted An HLS chunk was deleted
hdsChildPlaylistUpdated Stream specific HDS manifest has been modified
hdsMasterPlaylistUpdated HDS group manifest has been modified
hdsChunkCreated A new HDS segment file has been opened
hdsChunkClosed A new HDS segment has been completed and is ready on disk
hdsChunkError A failure occurred when writing to an HDS segment/fragment file
hdsChunkDeleted An HDS chunk was deleted
mssChunkCreated A new MSS fragment file has been opened
mssChunkClosed A new MSS fragment has been completed and is ready on disk
mssChunkError A failure occurred when writing to an MSS fragment file
mssPlaylistUpdated MSS manifest has been modified
dashChunkCreated A new DASH fragment file has been opened
dashChunkClosed A new DASH fragment has been completed and is ready on disk
dashChunkError A failure occurred when writing to an DASH fragment file
dashChunkDeleted A DASH chunk was deleted
dashPlaylistUpdated A DASH manifest has been modified
recordChunkCreated A new MP4 fragment file has been opened
recordChunkClosed A new MP4 fragment has been completed and is ready on disk
recordChunkError A failure occurred when writing to an MP4 file

Web Server Events

Event Description
streamingSessionStarted A streaming session has been started
streamingSessionEnded A streaming session has been completed
mediaFileDownloaded A file download has been completed

API Based Events

Events Description
cliRequest The EMS has received a Runtime API command
cliResponse The response generated by the EMS for the last Runtime API command
processStarted A process has been started at the request of the launchProcess API command
processStopped A process started via the launchProcess API command has been stopped
timerCreated A new timer has been created via the setTimer API command
timerTriggered The requested timer event
timerClosed Indicates the timer is no longer valid and will not create any futher timerTriggeredevents

Connection Based vents

Events Description
protocolRegisteredToApp A connection has been fully established
protocolUnregisteredFromApp A connection has been disconnected
carrierCreated Some IO handler, such as a TCP socket, has been created. This is not analogous to a connection creation
carrierClosed Some IO handler, such as a UDP socket, has been closed. This is not analogous to a connection being closed
webRTCPeerStreamStarted A new stream using WEBRTC was opened
webRTCPeerStreamClosed A stream using WEBRTC was closed
webRtcServiceStarted A new webRTC service was started
webRtcServiceStopped A webRTC service was stopped
WSStreamStarted A new stream using WEBSOCKET was opened
WSStreamClosed A stream using WEBSOCKET was closed

Application Based Events

Events Description
applicationStart The internal EMS application has started
applicationStop The internal EMS application has stopped, likely indicating a shutdown is about to occur
serverStarted The EMS has fully started
serverStopping The EMS is about to shutdown. This is sent as late as possible, but clearly not after shutdown has been completed

The data definitions for each event can be found below. The specific schema for each event will depend up on the serializerType chosen for your Event Notification Sink (defined earlier in this document).

The data definitions for each event can be found below. The specific schema for each event will depend up on the serializerType chosen for your Event Notification Sink (defined earlier in this document).