The stream type is found on the stream details. Whenever you call the listStreams, you will see type along with the stream details. Below are the different stream types for reference:

Stream Type Description
INR (Inbound Network RTMP) an RTMP stream coming in from the network into the EMS
INLFLV (Inbound Network Live FLV) a Live FLV stream is coming in from network into EMS
INTS (Inbound Network TS) a TS stream is coming in from network into EMS
INP (Inbound Network RTP) a RTP stream is coming in from network into EMS
IFR (Inbound File RTMP) a RTMP file is coming in from network into EMS
IFT (Inbound FIle TS) a TS file is coming in from network into EMS
IFP (Inbound File RTSP) a RTSP file is coming in from network into EMS
ONFMP4 (Outbound Network FMP4) a FMP4 stream is coming out from EMS
ONMP4 (Outbound Network MP4) an MP4 stream is coming out from EMS
ONR (Outbound Network RTMP) a RTMP stream is coming out from EMS
ONP (Outbound Network RTP) a RTP stream is coming out from EMS
ONTS (Outbound Network TS) a TS stream is coming out from EMS
OFR (Outbound File RTMP) an RTMP file is coming out from EMS
OFHLS (Outbound File HLS) a HLS stream is coming out from EMS
OFHDS (Outbound File HDS) a HDS stream is coming out from EMS
OFMSS (Outbound File MSS) a MSS stream is coming out from EMS
OFDASH (Outbound File DASH) a DASH stream is coming out from EMS
OFTS (Outbound File TS) a TS file is coming out from EMS
OFMP4 (Outbound File MP4) an MP4 file is coming out from EMS


  • char 1 = I for inbound, O for outbound
  • char 2 = N for network, F for file
  • char 3+ = further details about stream