
The EMS configuration file, config.lua, is a hierarchical data structure of assignments (key names with values). It is sent as a parameter when running the EvoStream server. The format is as follows:

<keyname>= <value>

where <value> could be any of the following types:

  • string = series of alpha numeric characters enclosed in double quotes
  • number = digits (without double quotes around it)
  • array = list of values separated by comma and is grouped by braces {}
  • aliases = {“flvplayback1”, “vod1”, “live”}


aliases = {“flvplayback1”, “vod1”, “live”}

object = list of assignments enclosed by braces {}


configurations =
    daemon = "true",
    pathSeparator = "/",
    logAppenders = {...},
    applications = {...}

In the example above, configurations has a value of type object. An object is a group of data inside braces ({ }) which may contains several assignments (<keynames> = <values>) separated by commas (,) and in turn could be another object. The assignments in the example above are daemon, pathSeparator, logAppenders, and applications. Notice that the values of logAppenders and applications could be another object or array recursively.


configuration = 
	daemon = false,
	pathSeparator = “/”,
	logAppenders = 
		-- content removed for clarity
	applications = 
		-- content removed for clarity

configuration – This is the entire structure for all configuration needed by the EMS Server.

Configuration Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
daemon boolean yes true means the server will start in daemon mode. false means it will start in console mode (nice for development).
pathSeparator string(1) yes This value will be used by the server to compose paths (like media files paths). Examples: on UNIX-like systems this is / while on windows is . Special care must be taken when you specify this value on windows because \ is an escape sequence for Lua so the value should be “\”.
logAppenders object yes Will hold a collection of log appenders. Each log message will be sent to each of the log appenders enumerated in this configuration section.
eventLogger object No Settings for the server-wide event sinks
applications object yes Will hold a collection of loaded applications. Besides that, it will also hold few other values.
instancesCount number yes The number of virtual instances of EMS server where load balancing will be performed. If this item is missing, it will be replaced by 0, disabling multiple instances. If its value is -1, it will be replaced by the number of CPUs, enabling one or more additional instances.
clientSideBuffer Number No The number of seconds that the EMS will buffer when behaving as an RTMP client.
maxRtmpOutBuffer Number No The maximum amount of bytes the EMS will store in the output RTMP buffer
maxRTSPOutBuffer Number No The maximum amount of bytes the EMS will store in the output RTSP buffer. Only used for RTSP when the final transport is RTP over TCP

When the server starts, the following sequence of operations is performed:

The configuration file is loaded. Part of the loading process, is the verification,. If if something is wrong with the syntax, please try this:

  • For Linux Package:

       /usr/bin/evostreamms –use-implicit-console-appender /etc/evostreamms/config.lua
  • For Linux Archive:

       ./evostreamms --use-implicit-console-appender ../config/config.lua
  • For Windows:

       evostreamms --use-implicit-console-appender config\config.lua

Note: EMS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY is the bin directory within the EvoStream Media Server Archive directory.

  1. The “daemon” value is read. The server now will either fork to become daemon or continue as is in console mode.
  2. The “logAppenders” value is read. This is where all log appenders are configured and brought up to running state. Depending on the collection of your log appenders, you may (not) see further log messages.
  3. The “applications” value is taken into consideration. Up until now, the server doesn’t do much. After this stage completes, all the applications are fully functional and the server is online and ready to do stuff.


logAppenders =
        name="console appender",
        name="file appender",

This section contains a list of log appenders. The entire collection of appenders listed in this section is loaded inside the logger at config-time. All log messages will be than passed to all these log appenders. Depending on the log level, an appender may (or may not) log the message. “Logging” a message means “saving” it on the specified “media” (in the example below we have a console appender and a file).

logAppenders Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
name string yes The name of the appender. It is usually used inside pretty print routines.
type string yes The type of the appender. Types console and coloredConsole will output to the console. The difference between them is that coloredConsole will also apply a color to the message, depending on the log level. Quite useful when eye-balling the console. Type file log appender will output everything to the specified file.
level number yes The log level used. The values are presented just below. Any message having a log level less or equal to this value will be logged. The rest are discarded. (Log levels: 0 FATAL, 1 ERROR, 2 WARNING, 3 INFO, 4 DEBUG, 5 FINE, 6 FINEST, -1 disable logs)
fileName string yes If the type of appender is a file, this will contain the path of the file.
newLineCharacters string no Newline character used in the file appender.
fileHistorySize number no The maximum number of log files to be retained. The oldest log file will be deleted first if this number is exceeded.
fileLength number no Buffer size of the file appender.
singleLine boolean no If yes, multi-line log messages are merged into one line.

Note: When daemon mode is set to true, all console appenders will be ignored. (Read the explanation for daemon setting above).


applications =
    rootDirectory = "./",
        -- settings for evostreamms
        -- settings for anotherApplication

This section is where all the applications inside the server are placed. It holds the attributes of each application that the server will use to launch them. Each application may have specific attributes that it requires to execute its own functionality.

application Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
rootDirectory string true The folder containing applications subfolders. If this path begins with a “/” or “" (depending on the OS), then is treated as an absolute path. Otherwise is treated as a path relative to the run-time directory (the place where you started the server).

Following the rootDirectory, there is a collection of applications. Each application has its properties contained in an object. See details below.

application Definition

    description="EVOSTREAM MEDIA SERVER",
    aliases={"er", "live", "vod"},

This is where the settings of an application are defined. We will present only the settings common to all applications. Later on, we will also explain the settings particular to certain applications.

application Definition Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
name string False Could be the name of the company, organization etc.
Description String False Brief description of the “name”
Protocol String    
Default Boolean True  
pushPullPersistenceFile String True  
connectionsLimitPersistenceFile String True  
bandwidthLimitPersistenceFile String True  
ingestPointsPersistenceFile String True  
streamsExpireTimer Number True  
rtcpDetectionInterval Number    
hasStreamAliases Boolean True  
hasIngestPoints Boolean True  
validateHandshake Boolean true  
aliases String Designed to be used to protect\/hide your source streams  
maxRtmpOutBuffer Number    
hlsVersion Number True The HLS version. Supported versions are from 3-6. User should make sure of the version before creating HLS files.
useSourcePts Boolean False If set to 1, the outbound stream will use the PTS of the source stream. Otherwise, the pushed stream will start at 0
enableCheckBandwidth Boolean True  
vodRedirectRtmpIp IP Address False The IP address of the other server that


mediaStorage = {
	description="Default media storage",

This is where the settings of media folder defined. There are several uses of the media folder:

  • Storage of vod file that is used for pullStream
  • Location of the created file using generateLazyPull command
  • Storage of recorded streams using record command

media Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
recordedStreamsStorage String True The path of the media folder to be used in record streams
description String False The description of the media storage
mediafolder String True The path of the media storage folder


The “acceptors” block is found within the “applications” section named “evostreamms” in the configuration file. Each acceptor protocol used by applications is defined here. Some protocols may require additional parameters.

acceptor Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
ip string yes The IP where the service is located. A value of means all interfaces and all IPs.
port string yes Port number that the service will listen to.
protocol string yes The protocol stack handled by the ip:port combination.

The following acceptor types are supported by EMS:

acceptor Protocol Table:

Acceptor Protocol Typical IP Typical Port Additional Parameters (see Note 1) Protocol Stack (Tags)
inboundRtmp 1935   TCP+IR
inboundRtmps 8081 sslKey (path to SSL key file), sslCert (path to SSL certificate file) (see Note 2) TCP+ISSL+IRS
inboundRtmpt 8080   TCP+IH4R
inboundTcpTs 9999   TCP+ITS
inboundUdpTs 9999   UDP+ITS
inboundRtsp 5544   TCP+RTSP
inboundLiveFlv 6666 waitForMetadata (boolean) TCP+ILFL
inboundBinVariant 1113 clustering (boolean) TCP+BVAR
inboundJsonCli 1112 useLengthPadding (boolean) TCP+IJSONCLI
inboundHttpJsonCli 7777   TCP+IHTT+H4C+IJSONCLI
inboundAsciiCli 1222 useLengthPadding (boolean) TCP+IASCCLI

Protocol Group Table:

Protocol Group Tag Protocol Type
Carrier Protocols TCP TCP
Variant Protocols BVAR Bin Variant
  XVAR XML Variant
  JVAR JSON Variant
RTMP Protocols IR Inbound RTMP
  IRS Inbound RTMPS
  OR Outbound RTMP
  RS RTMP Dissector
Encryption Protocols RE RTMPE
  ISSL Inbound SSL
  OSSL Outbound SSL
MPEG-TS Protocol ITS Inbound TS
HTTP Protocols IHTT Inbound HTTP
  IHTT2 Inbound HTTP2
  IH4R Inbound HTTP for RTMP
  OHTT Outbound HTTP
  OHTT2 Outbound HTTP2
  OH4R Outbound HTTP for RTMP
  H4C HTTP for CLI
RPC Protocols IRPC Inbound RPC
  ORPC Outbound RPC
Passthrough Protocol PT Passthrough


Within the “evostreamms” application section of the config.lua file, you will need to uncomment out the autoHLS group. (To uncomment it remove the “–[[” and “]]–” strings).

    targetFolder= "..\\evo-webroot",
    targetFolder= "..\\evo-webroot",
    targetFolder= "..\\evo-webroot",
    targetFolder= "..\\evo-webroot",

The autoHLS/HDS/DASH/MSS configuration group defines the parameter settings that will be used when the createHLS/HDS/DASH/MSSStream is automatically called on stream creation. Since targetFolder is the only mandatory field in create stream, that value MUST be specified in the autoHLS section. All other parameters can be specified if you want to override the default values.


The “authentication” block is found within the “applications” section named “evostreamms” in the configuration file. Authentication settings for RTMP and RTSP protocols are defined separately. For RTMP, another file, auth.xml, is required to enable authentication. In addition, a users file, typically named users.lua, provides the user names and passwords.

authentication Structure Table:

Protocol Parameter Mandatory Typical Setting
RTMP type true “adobe”
RTMP encoderAgents true “FMLE…” (see below)
RTMP usersFile true ”../config/users.lua”
RTSP usersFile true ”../config/users.lua”
RTSP authenticatePlay false true (default value is false)
            "FMLE/3.0 (compatible; FMSc/1.0)",
            "Wirecast/FM 1.0 (compatible; FMSc/1.0)",
            "EvoStream Media Server ("


  1. Authentication is disabled if the “authentication” block in the “config.lua” file is missing or incomplete. For RTMP protocol, authentication is disabled if the “auth.xml” file is missing or contains a “false” setting. For RTSP protocol, authentication is disabled if “authenticatePlay” in the “rtsp” block is omitted or set to “false”.

  2. Scripts are available for creating certificates and keys for EMS. Please refer to our GitHub files here for details.


To enable Event Notifications you will need to enable/uncomment the eventLogger section of the config.lua file. Comments in LUA are specified by either a “–” for a single line, or denoted by a “–[[” to start a comment block and a “]]–” to end a comment block. By default the eventLogger section is commented out using the block style comments, so you will need to remove both the –[[and]]–strings.

The configuration entry must be constructed as follows:

        -- property1 of sink1
        -- property2 of sink1

The enabledEvents parameter is optional and allows you to specify only the events which you wish to receive. If the enabledEvents section is not specified, all events will be generated.

All event types are listed below.

Stream Events Table:

Event Description
inStreamCreated A new inbound stream has been created
outStreamCreated A new outbound stream has been created
streamCreated A new neutral (neither in nor out) stream has been created
inStreamClosed An inbound stream has been closed
outStreamClosed An outbound stream has been closed
streamClosed A neutral stream has been closed
inStreamCodecsUpdated The audio and/or video codecs for this inbound stream have been identified or changed
outStreamCodecsUpdated The audio and/or video codecs for this outbound stream have been identified or changed
streamCodecsUpdated The audio and/or video codecs for this neutral stream have been identified or changed
audioFeedStopped The audio feed has stopped for an extended period
videoFeedStopped The video feed has stopped for an extended period

Adaptive Streaming/File-based Streaming Events Table:

Event Description
hlsChildPlaylistUpdated Stream specific HLS playlist has been modified
hlsMasterPlaylistUpdated HLS group playlist has been modified
hlsChunkCreated A new HLS segment was opened on disk
hlsChunkClosed A new HLS segment has been completed and is ready on disk
hlsChunkError A failure occurred when writing to an HLS segment file
hdsChildPlaylistUpdated Stream specific HDS manifest has been modified
hdsMasterPlaylistUpdated HDS group manifest has been modified
hdsChunkCreated A new HDS segment file has been opened
hdsChunkClosed A new HDS segment has been completed and is ready on disk
hdsChunkError A failure occurred when writing to an HDS segment/fragment file
mssChunkCreated A new MSS fragment file has been opened
mssChunkClosed A new MSS fragment has been completed and is ready on disk
mssChunkError A failure occurred when writing to an MSS fragment file
mssPlaylistUpdated MSS manifest has been modified
dashChunkCreated A new DASH fragment file has been opened
dashChunkClosed A new DASH fragment has been completed and is ready on disk
dashChunkError A failure occurred when writing to an DASH fragment file
dashPlaylistUpdated DASH manifest has been modified
recordChunkCreated A new record fragment file has been opened
recordChunkClosed A new record fragment has been completed and is ready on disk
recordChunkError A failure occurred when writing to a record fragment file

API Based Events Table

Event Description
cliRequest The EMS has received a Runtime API command
cliResponse The response generated by the EMS for the last Runtime API command
processStarted A process has been started at the request of the launchProcess API command
processStopped A process started via the launchProcess API command has been stopped
timerCreated A new timer has been created via the setTimer API command
timerTriggered The requested timer event
timerClosed Indicates the timer is no longer valid and will not create any futher timerTriggered events

Connection Based Events Table

Event Description
protocolRegisteredToApp A connection has been fully established
protocolUnregisteredFromApp A connection has been disconnected
carrierCreated Some IO handler, such as a TCP socket, has been created. This is not analogous to a connection creation.
carrierClosed Some IO handler, such as a UDP socket, has been closed. This is not analogous to a connection being closed.

Application Based Events Table

Event Description
applicationStart The internal EMS application has started
applicationStop The internal EMS application has stopped, likely indicating a shutdown is about to occur
serverStarted The EMS has fully started
serverStopping The EMS is about to shutdown. This is sent as late as possible, but clearly not after shutdown has been completed

Web Server Events Table

Event Description
streamingSessionStarted A streaming session has been started
streamingSessionEnded A streaming session has been completed
mediaFileDownloaded A file download has been completed

Event Sinks

There are two main types of event sinks:

1. File Event Sink – Event details are written to a log file located relative to the current directory. The log file is overwritten each time the EMS starts up.

customData="my custom data"

File sink configuration:

The format can be one of the following types:

  • “text” (plain text)

  • “xml”

  • “json”

  • “w3c”

    A typical configuration of a file sink follows:

                  fileChunkLength=43200, -- 12 hours (in seconds)
                      -- content removed for clarity
                      -- content removed for clarity

File Sink Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
customData object no Custom data that will be appended to all events generated by this sink. It overrides the custom data node defined on the upper level. It can also be a complex structure, see illustration above.
type string yes The type of sink, “file”.
filename string yes The base name of the file.
format string yes Sets the file format. Allowed values are “text”, “xml”, “json” and “w3c”
timestamp boolean no  
appendTimestamp boolean no Sets the option to append a timestamp. If true, timestamp (YYYYMMDD_HHmmSS) is appended on every log file created. Otherwise, a 4-digit running number is appended. Default value is true.
appendInstance boolean no Appends a random 4-digit instance ID after every log file. Default is false.
fileChunkLength number no Number of seconds to create new file.
fileChunkTime string no Time of the day to chunk log file, in HH:MM:SS format. Note__: No file chunking when fileChunkLength and fileChunkTime are both present.
enabledEvents object no Events that are logged. If not set, all are logged. But for W3C, non-stream-related events are ignored.

As indicated above, the name of the file can be set using a number of options. For example,

filename = "/var/evostreamms/logs/streams"
appendTimestamp = true
appendInstance = true

The log file would be /var/evostreamms/logs/streams_0237_20140311_183046.txt.

2. RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) Event Sink – Event details are transmitted to a remote host via HTTP POST. The EMS will ignore any response from the remote host.

RPC sink configuration:

customData="my custom data"

The url field specifies the destination which will be accepting the HTTP POST event notifications..

The serializer type can be one of the following formats:

  • JSON

Format of JSON POST:

  • XML

Format of XML POST:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<MAP isArray="false" name="">
    <MAP isArray="false" name="payload">
        <DOUBLE name="creationTimestamp">1349335287346.813</DOUBLE>
        <STR name="name"></STR>
        <DOUBLE name="queryTimestamp">1349335287346.813</DOUBLE>
        <STR name="type">NR</STR>
        <UINT64 name="uniqueId">1</UINT64>
        <DOUBLE name="upTime">0.000</DOUBLE>
<STR name="type">streamCreated</STR>

Format of XMLRPC POST: (indented for clarity)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                            <!-- contents removed for clarity -->

The customData parameter for both File and RPC Event Sinks can be optionally used to extra data to each event for that sink. This could be used to identify the particular EMS instance which is generating the event, return a particular ID or Key which is pertinent to your handling of the event, or anything really! A customData parameter can be a simple sting value or a complex LUA object.

If a customData parameter is not specified for a node, the value of the parent eventLogger customData node will be used. If that is also not specified, the value will be V_NULL.


Within the application section you can find the configuration for the EvoStream Transcoder. The default settings are generally going to be fine for all applications, but under certain circumstances they may need to be adjusted. The transcoder section looks like the following:

transcoder = {
    dstUriPrefix="-f flv tcp://localhost:6666/"

The srcUriPrefix tells the transcoder how to get the stream from the EMS. The dstUriPrefix tells the transcoder how to push the stream back to the EMS. The ports used in these two values must match the acceptors the EMS is actively listening on. By default this is i5544 for RTSP and 6666 for liveFLV.

Transcoder Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
scriptPath string yes The location for the helper script for the transcoder. The transcode API function calls this script instead of calling the binary directly so that the binary can be replaced should you want to use a custom transcoder.
srcUriPrefix String Yes When using the transcode API function, you can specify just a localStreamName as the source stream. This is the prefix that will be pre-pended to the provided localStreamName when actually pulling that source stream. For example, if srcUriPrefix="rtsp://localhost:5544" and the stream name "test1" is given to the transcode command, the following URI will be used: rtsp://localhost:5544/test1
dstUriPrefix String Yes This is the converse of the srcUriPrefix, in that if just a localStreamName is given as a destination in the transcode command, this is the string that will be prepended to the stream name. That complete command will then be used by the transcoder to send the stream back to the EMS.


Also in the application section of the config.lua file, the DRM section provides the configuration values for any DRM that needs to be activated. This section is commented out by default (wrapped in “–[[” and “]]–”). It must be un-commented-out before DRM will be activated.

    -- urlPrefix=""

drm Structure Table:

Key Type Mandatory Description
type string yes The type of DRM to be used. Options are: “verimatrix” – Enables Verimatrix DRM on HLS “evo” – Enables AES encryption on HLS”none” – disables DRM. This is the same as commenting out this section of the config file.
requestTimer Number Yes, when type=verimatrix The key request timer period in seconds. Right after startup, the EMS will request keys from the Verimatrix Key Server every timer period.Default=1, Min=1, Max=none. (If set below min, the min value will be used.)
reserveKeys Number Yes, when type=verimatrix The number of keys buffered per ID.Default=10, Min=5, Max=none. (If set below min, the min value will be used.)
reserveIds Number Yes, when type=verimatrix The number of reserve IDs with key buffers to be filled in addition to active IDs.Default=10, Min=5, Max=none. (If set below min, the min value will be used.)
urlPrefix   Yes, when type=verimatrix The location of your Verimatrix VCAS Key Server