Lists currently available media storage locations.

This function has no parameters.


API Call:


JSON Response:

    "description":"Default media storage",
"description":"Available storages",

The JSON response contains the following details:

  • data – The data to parse
    • clientSideBuffer – How much data should be maintained on the client side when a file is played from this storage
    • description – Description given to this storage. Used to better identify the storage
    • enableStats – If true, *.stats files are going to be generated once the media files are used
    • externalSeekGenerator – If true, *.seek and *.meta files are going to be generated by another external tool
    • keyframeSeek – If true, the seek/meta files are going to be generated having only keyframe seek points
    • mediaFolder – The path to the media folder
    • metaFolder – Path to the folder which is going to contain all the seek/meta files. If missing, the seek/meta files are going to be generated inside the media folder
    • name – Name given to this storage. Used to better identify the storage.
    • seekGranularity – Sets the granularity for the seek files
  • description – Describes the result of parsing/executing the command
  • status – SUCCESS if the command was parsed and executed successfully, FAIL if not