Provides a complete detailed list of all the current inbound localstreamnames.
The API has no parameter.
API Call:
JSON Response:
"userAgent":"EvoStream Media Server (",
"description":"Available inbound streams",
The JSON response contains the following details about each stream:
data – The data to parse.
appName - ??
audio – stats about the audio portion of the stream
- bytesCount – Total amount of audio data received
- codec - ??
- codecNumeric - ??
- droppedBytesCount - The number of video bytes lost
- droppedBytesCount – The number of audio bytes lost
- droppedPacketsCount – The number of lost audio packets
- packetsCount – Total number of audio packets received
bandwidth – The current bandwidth utilization of the stream
connectionType - ??
canDropFrames – Outstreams only. Flag set by client allowing for dropped frames/packets
creationTimestamp – The UNIX timestamp for when the stream was created. UNIX time is expressed as the number of seconds since the UNIX Epoch (Jan 1, 1970)
edgePid – Internal flag used for clustering
farIp - The IP address of the distant party
farPort - The port used by the distant party
ip - IP address of the source stream’s host
inStreamUniqueID – For pushed streams. The id of the source stream.
name – the “localstreamname” for this stream
nearIp - The IP address used by the local computer
nearPort - The port used by the local computer
outStreamsUniqueIDs – For pulled streams. An array of the “out” stream IDs associated with this “in” stream
pageUrl - A link to the page that originated the request (often unused)
port - The port bound to the service
processId - ??
processType - ??
queryTimestamp – The time (in UNIX seconds) when the information in this request was populated
type – The type of stream this is. The first two characters are of most interest:
char 1 = I for inbound, O for outbound
char 2 = N for network, F for file
char 3+ = further details about stream
example: INR = Inbound Network Stream (a stream coming from the network into the EMS)
typeNumeric - ??
uniqueId – The unique ID of the stream (integer)
uptime – The time in seconds that the stream has been alive/running for
userAgent - ??
video – Stats about the video portion of the stream
- bytesCount – Total amount of video data received
- codec - ??
- codecNumeric - ??
- droppedBytesCount – The number of video bytes lost
- droppedPacketsCount – The number of lost video packets
- height – The video stream’s pixel height
- level - ??
- packetsCount – Total number of video packets received
- profile - ??
- width - The video stream’s pixel width
description – Describes the result of parsing/executing the command
status –
if the command was parsed and executed successfully,FAIL
if not