Returns details about every active stream-related connection. This does not include other connections used for EMS operations (telnet, license manager, interface, etc.).

This function has the following parameters:

Parameter Name Mandatory Default Value Description
excludeNonNetworkProtocols false 1 true If true, all non-networking protocols will be excluded. If false, non-networking protocols will be included

An example of the listConnections interface is:

listConnections excludeNonNetworkProtocols=0

This lists connections including non-networking protocols.


API Call:

listConnections excludeNonNetworkProtocols=0

JSON Response:

"description":"Available connections",

The JSON response contains the following details about each connection:

  • data – The data to parse
    • carrier – Details about the connection itself
      • farIP – The IP address of the distant party
      • farPort – The port used by the distant party
      • Id - ID of the service
      • nearIP – The IP address used by the local computer
      • nearPort – The port used by the local computer
      • rx – Total bytes received on this connection
      • tx – Total bytes transferred on this connection
      • type – The connection type (TCP, UDP)
    • pullSettings/pushSettings/hlsSettings/hdsSettings/mssSettings/dashSettings/recordSettings – A copy of the parameters used in the stream command that caused this connection to be made
      • Other fields present depend on the stream type (see pushStream, pullStream, createHLSStream, createHDSStream, createMSSStream, createDASHStream, record commands)
    • stack – details about what internal resources are using the connection
      • applicationID – the ID of the internal application using the connection
      • creationTimestamp – The time (in UNIX seconds) when the application started using the connection
      • id – The unique ID for this stack relation
      • isEnqueueForDelete – Internal flag used for cleanup
      • queryTimestamp – The time (in UNIX seconds) when this data was populated
      • rxInvokes – Number of received RTMP function invokes
      • streams – Details about the streams that are using the connection (see fields in listStreams)
      • txInvokes – Number of sent RTMP function invokes
      • type – A descriptor for how the application is using the connection
  • description – Describes the result of parsing/executing the command
  • status – SUCCESS if the command was parsed and executed successfully, FAIL if not