Creates an RTMP ingest point, which mandates that streams pushed into the EMS have a target stream name which matches one Ingest Point privateStreamName.

This function has the following parameters:

Parameter Name Mandatory Default Value Description
privateStreamName true null The name that RTMP Target Stream Names must match
publicStreamName True null The name that is used to access the stream pushed to the privateStreamName. The publicStreamName becomes the streams localStreamName


API Call:

createIngestPoint privateStreamName=theIngestPoint publicStreamName=useMeToViewStream

JSON Response:

"description":"Ingest point created",

The JSON response contains the following details:

  • data – The data to parse
    • privateStreamName –The privateStreamName which was set.
    • publicStreamName – The publicStreamName which was set
  • description – Describes the result of parsing/executing the command.

  • status – SUCCESS if the command was parsed and executed successfully, FAIL if not