Create an HDS (HTTP Dynamic Streaming) stream out of an existing H.264/AAC stream. HDS is used to stream standard MP4 media over regular HTTP connections. HDS is a new technology developed by Adobe in response to HLS from Apple.

This function has the following parameters:

Parameter Name Mandatory Default Value Description
localStreamNames true null The stream(s) that will be used as the input. This is a comma-delimited list of active stream names (local stream names)
targetFolder true null The folder where all the manifest (*.f4m) and fragment (f4v*) files will be stored. This folder must be accessible by the HDS clients. It is usually in the web-root of the server
bandwidths false 0 The corresponding bandwidths for each stream listed in localStreamNames. Again, this can be a comma-delimited list
chunkBaseName false f4v The base name used to generate the fragments. The default value follows this format: f4vSeg1-FragXXX
chunkLength false 10 The length (in seconds) of fragments to be made. Minimum value is 1 (second)
chunkOnIDR false 1 true If true, chunking is performed ONLY on IDR. Otherwise, chunking is performed whenever chunk length is achieved
groupName false (if not specified, it will be a random name in the form of hds_group_xxxx) The name assigned to the HDS stream or group. If the localStreamNames parameter contains only one entry and groupName is not specified, groupName will have the value of the input stream name
keepAlive false 1 true If true, the EMS will attempt to reconnect to the stream source if the connection is severed
manifestName false defaults to stream name if false The manifest file name
overwriteDestination false 1 true If true, it will allow overwrite of destination files
playlistType false appending Either `appending` or `rolling`
playlistLength false 10 The number of fragments before the server starts to overwrite the older fragments. Used only when playlistType is `rolling`. Ignored otherwise
staleRetentionCount false If not specified, it will have the value of playlistLength How many old files are kept besides the ones present in the current version of the playlist. Only applicable for rolling playlists
createMasterPlaylist false 1 true If true, a master playlist will be created
cleanupDestination false 0 false If true, all manifest and fragment files in the target folder will be removed before HDS creation is started

An example of the createHDSStream interface is:

The corresponding link to use on an HDS player (e.g. OSMF) to pull this stream would then be:

In other words: http://my\_web\_server/HDS\_group\_name/manifest\_file\_name


API Call:

createHDSStream localstreamnames=testpullStream targetfolder=../evo-webroot groupname=hds playlisttype=rolling

JSON Response:

"description":"HDS stream created",

The JSON response contains the following details:

  • data – The data to parse
    • bandwidths – An array of integers specifying the bandwidths used for streaming
    • chunkBaseName – The base name or prefix used for naming the output HDS chunks
    • chunkLength – The length (in seconds) of each playlist element (.f4m files)
    • chunkOnIdr – If true, chunking was made on IDR boundary
    • cleanupDestination – If true, HDS files at the target folder were deleted before HDS creation began
    • configIds - The configuration IDs for this command
    • createMasterPlaylist – If true, a master playlist is created
    • groupName – The name of the target folder where HDS files will be created
    • keepAlive – If true, the stream will attempt to reconnect if the connection is severed
    • localStreamNames – An array of local names for the streams
    • manifestName – The file name of the manifest file (*.f4m). If blank, defaults to stream name
    • overwriteDestination – If true, overwriting of destination files during HDS creation is allowed
    • playlistLength – The number of fragments before the server starts to overwrite the older fragments. Useful only for rolling playlistType
    • playlistType – Either appending or rolling
    • staleRetentionCount – The number of old files kept besides the ones listed in the current version of the playlist. Only applicable for rolling playlists
    • targetFolder – The folder where all the manifest (*.f4m) and fragment (f4v*) files are stored
  • description – Describes the result of parsing/executing the command

  • status – SUCCESS if the command was parsed and executed successfully, FAIL if not