Adds a new storage location.

This function has the following parameters:

Parameter Name Mandatory Default Value Description
mediaFolder true null The path to the media folder
description false null Description given to this storage. Used to better identify the storage
clientSideBuffer false 15 How much data should be maintained on the client side when a file is played from this storage
enableStats false false If true, *.stats files are going to be generated once the media files are used
externalSeekGenerator false false If true, *.seek and *.meta files are going to be generated by another external tool
keyframeSeek false false If true, the seek/meta files are going to be generated having only keyframe seek points
metaFolder false (null) Path to the folder which is going to contain all the seek\/meta files. If missing, the seek/meta files are going to be generated inside the media folder
name false null Name given to this storage. Used to better identify the storage
seekGranularity false 1000 Sets the granularity for the seek files


API Call:

addStorage mediaFolder=C:\EvoStream\media1 description=TestStorage enableStats=1 externalSeekGenerator=1 keyframeSeek=1 metaFolder=C:\EvoStream\media1 name=TestNameStorage seekGranularity=300000

JSON Response:

    "seek Granularity":300000
"description":"Storage created",

The JSON response contains the following details:

  • data – The data to parse
    • clientSideBuffer – How much data should be maintained on the client side when a file is played from this storage
    • description – Description given to this storage. Used to better identify the storage
    • enableStats – If true, *.stats files are going to be generated once the media files are used
    • externalSeekGenerator – If true, *.seek and *.meta files are going to be generated by another external tool
    • keyframeSeek – If true, the seek/meta files are going to be generated having only keyframe seek points
    • maxPlaylistFileSize - ??
    • mediaFolder – The path to the media folder
    • metaFolder – Path to the folder which is going to contain all the seek/meta files. If missing, the seek/meta files are going to be generated inside the media folder
    • name – Name given to this storage. Used to better identify the storage
    • seekGranularity – Sets the granularity for the seek files in milliseconds
  • description – Describes the result of parsing/executing the command
  • status – SUCCESS if the command was parsed and executed successfully, FAIL if not