This command creates secondary name(s) for group names. Once an alias is created the group name cannot be used to request HTTP playback of that stream. Once an alias is used (requested by a client) the alias is removed. Aliases are designed to be used to protect/hide your source streams.

Note: hasGroupNameAliases in webconfig.lua should be TRUE.

This function has the following parameters:

Parameter Name Mandatory Default Value Description
groupName true null The original group name
aliasName true null The alias alternative to the group name

An example of the addGroupNameAlias interface is:

addGroupNameAlias groupName=MyGroup aliasName=mygroupalias

This sets “mygroupalias” as the alias alternative for the group name “mygroup”.


API Call:

addGroupNameAlias groupName=MyGroup aliasName=TestGroupAlias

JSON Response:

"description":"Alias applied to group name",

The JSON response contains the following details:

  • data – Provides the following information for the added group name alias

    • aliasName – The alias alternative to be added for the group name
    • cliProtocolId – For internal use only
    • edges – the process IDs and stream IDs for all edge instances
    • edgesCount – The number of edge instances
    • groupName – The original group name
    • lastUpdate – For internal use only
    • operation – The command executed
    • result – true if the operation succeeded, false if not
    • uniqueRequestId – For internal use only
  • description – Describes the result of parsing/executing the command

  • status – SUCCESS if the command was parsed and executed successfully, FAIL if not